Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heck of a Long Post - Q&A, Thank Yous, and Challenges

First of all I want to say
Thank you for stopping by my little blog, reading, and leaving comments.
I read every one.
And thank you to those of you who email me or leave comments of Facebook.
My little blog is growing and you all make me feel like a total rockstar.

I've had a few questions recently about photography.
I thought I'd answer them here.

Q: What camera do you use?
A: I use two. Professionally, I use a Canon 7D. The three pictures below are all with my 7D. I love it.
I'm still learning (always will be!) but I learn best by teaching so if anyone has any questions specific to
the 7D I'd be happy to answer best I can. The other camera I use is a Canon Rebel xsi.
That was the first DSLR I purchased when I knew I wanted to be a photographer and I'm quite proud
at how far I'm able to push it. I still use that camera. I mainly use it for the "everyday" pictures of life here. It pretty much goes everywhere with me.

Q: What lens do you use?
A: Just one, actually. I have a 50mm 1.8. It's a low-end lens on the professional front but again, I'm
pretty proud at what it's been able to do for me. Currently, I'm saving up for a new lens. I do rent several lenses. The work horse for me for, say, shooting a wedding, is the Canon 24-70. Renting is a great way for you to try out new lenses and figure out what will work best for you! If you are local to the St. Louis area, Schillers is a great resource. But I'm pretty partial to fixed lenses.

Q: What editing software do you use?
A: Great question! I use both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. (Although I've been
told by many that I NEED to get Lightroom!) :) I use MCP, PW, and Florabella actions.
Actions are an amazing tool for both professional and non-professional photographers.
They really speed up my workflow, which ultimately allows me more time with my family.
I am in love love love with Florabella.
I just adore sun-drenched images and the Florabella actions just accentuate my images.
The three pictures below are all hand edited and then run with Florabella actions.
© Cassie Allen Photography
© Cassie Allen Photography
© Cassie Allen Photography
I'll do another post with different questions.
Keep them coming! :)
And THANK YOU for all of your amazing comments about my haircut.
You made me feel so incredible!
And that leads me into the other topic today.
My health.
And yours.
Here's the thing.
I always thought I could be "that mom". You know the one.
I would be able to do it all.
Have the stressful, nasty day job. Keep the whole house clean 24/7. Never lose energy playing
with Griffin. Be there emotionally for my family. Start a photography business.
Cook. Smile. Run about.
 I'll just inhale whatever Griffin doesn't eat.
Naw. Stress'll take care of that.
And I'd still be Captain Awesome.
Reality check.
I am overweight.
By a good 20 or so pounds.
I keep telling myself I don't have time to work out.
And it's true!
I work a full time job then I come home and start my 2nd and 3rd jobs.
Photographer and Mom and Wife.
I wake up at 5:45am and fall asleep at 11pm or 12ish.
Every second is full.
I eat on the go.
All. The. Time.
My dinner is actually right next to me now as I'm typing this.
Eating habits?
I keep telling myself that we have the tiniest budget for our family so we have to get
things like pasta that will last several days.
You know what?
I feel awful.
Physically I feel awful.
It's not because of my diagnosis.
It's because of the way I treat my temple.
My body.
It's not that I am delusional and think I can eat whatever I want when I want.
Nope. I've just been too busy to even think about me.
There is one thing that I will preach to ANYONE who will hear me.
I firmly believe that if you do not take care of yourself then you will be empty.
And you can't take care of anybody else when you are empty.
When I'm not emotionally and physically fuelled properly, I have nothing to give.
I firmly believe this.
Oh but.
I have not practiced what I've preached.
Bad girl.
All day, every day I feel like I could curl up and fall asleep anywhere, anytime.
I feel heavy.
Weighed down.
I get dizzy. A lot.
My knees ache.
I get winded climbing the stairs.
And when I feel this way, I make poor judgements when it comes to the high stress of my days.
I let the bad people get to me and break me down.
No more.
This has been on my mind so often but I read this blog today and there it was.
The line in the sand.
I don't know how I'm going to find the time.
But that's all it is.
Finding the time.
No one is going to give me the time or permission to better myself.
I've got to do it.
If I fail or succeed it is all on me.
So, I'm in.
With this challenge.
I thought I wanted to show Griffin what it looked like to totally attack life.
Just squeeze it dry.
But I have been going about it the wrong way.
I'm ready for a change.
Want to do it with me?
Come on. Let's show 'um how it's done.
Long long long post.
Happy happy day!


  1. Beautiful pictures.

    You are juggling so much, I can see how it's hard for you to find time to exercise. I will squeeze in a twenty minute workout for a couple of weeks and then just fall off the wagon with it. Now i'm starting to run. After the kids go to bed at night, Hubby is busy doing whatever he wants to do, I put on my running shoes and head out. It is such a mind freeing things. It might be very hard, but try to squeeze in a walk/jog/run, whatever you can do.

    I believe in you, I believe you can get on track. Here is one of my favorite quotes I thought I would share with you. It's not easy working/being a mom/cleaning house etc. Maybe this will help a little.

    "You can do anything you set your mind to,
    You just have to believe in yourself."

    It's one of my favorite quotes and that's one of the biggest things I had to learn to do, was believe in myself and I feel so much better now that I do!

    I'm cheering you on girl! =D

  2. I'm a new follower, as you know, but I'm right here cheering for you!

  3. Thank you for this great post about health and taking care of OURSELVES! I needed it! I'm following you and up for any challenge that you give me! Let's do this!


  4. Isn't is so amazing how we don't equate the way we feel every day with the food that we put into our bodies? It is the biggest cliche and it is 100% true.... You are what you eat!!!! If you want to feel strong and energized on a consistent basis you have to make nutrition a top priority. I LOVE the new blog you found and I am definitely up for the challenge with you!

    I can also share something that I have been doing every single day for the past 4 months and that is starting my day with a delicious smoothie packed with all kinds of goodness. You remember me telling you all about for like 20 minutes straight in the car that day I am sure! lol Well I am still the biggest smoothie advocate ever and I swear by them. It totally sets the tone for the entire day too. When you start out with something that good for you, it makes you want to make good food choices for yourself for the rest of the day.

    Here is what I am currently throwing in the blender every morning. It has evolved into this after four months and the evolution will continue I am sure. I am always trying to find something new and healthy that I can throw in there.

    * 1/2 cup organic vanilla yogurt
    * 2 tablespoons of flax seed (so good for you!)
    * 1 or two table spoons cashew butter or tahini (I am trying to gain weight and this is good for extra protein).
    * 1 scoop organic vanilla whey protein - I use biochem raw foods and whey. (If you don't use this, I would use a tablespoon of honey for sweetness. Honey is also really good for you).
    * 1 banana
    * Small handful of frozen strawberries
    * Small handful of frozen peaches or mangos, sometimes pineapple, blueberries, etc.
    * Small handful of spinach
    * About a half cup almond milk or as much as needed to make the smoothie liquified enough.

    I have also been looking at this stuff called Super Green Formula to give it even more umph. It has tons of greens and antioxidents and it gets fantastic reviews on all the websites. Here's a link:

    Talk about a burst of energy in the morning!!!! And a such a good feeling knowing all the fantastic things you are putting into your body.

    Anywho... Great post!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what this gal suggests in her challenges.

  5. And such gorgeous photos and posting, as always. I love the things you share and the way you share them. They way you write is so fun to read! It flows so nicely, comes right from the heart, and always makes so much sense.

  6. Ew nevermind on the Super Green Formula! It's yucky.
