Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Virtual Coffee - Pressure!

I'm liking up with Amy for some Virtual Coffee!
Or, at this blog, Virtual Diet Coke.
BUT in this case, Virtual Crystal Light.
I've not gone cold turkey with the Diet Coke but I've cut back a lot and I'm proud of myself.
*pat on back*

If we were really meeting for...Crystal Light...right now you'd most likely be
asked to rally a cheer for me.
I need it.
Cassie Allen Photography is in the process of getting a logo!
YAY for the idea and the movement!
BOO for me and my indecision.
Hubs has heard
"OR, what about THIS..."
about a million times by now.

How does one put a stamp on who one is?
Some of you might say it's not ME, it's my BUSINESS.
But really, it's one and the same.
It's my vision, my heart and soul, my passion.
All wrapped up in one, identifiable stamp.

I need a hug.

**For more coffee talk and less people freaking out, pop on over to Amy's blog!**

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