Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tests, Gum, and Lists Oh My

Today I wore the T-Shirt I was wearing the day I found out I was pregnant. It's an old Guinness shirt of Hubs'. I will never forget that moment. It had almost become comical, the pregnancy test taking. But one day I was feeling particularly down and I wanted to take another test. Why, I don't remember.
I sat there as the lines showed up and I just went numb. Then I screamed.
 I screamed until no more sound came out.  
I was by myself but my mother was on her way to our house because she and I were going to go out for a bit. She walked in the door and heard me screaming upstairs.
What an unexpected moment of mother-daughter joy that became.

I have a favorite gum at the moment.
Extra's Mint Chocolate Chip.
If you see it, nab it. I had my doubts but it's awesome.

This past month, G has come to HATE bath time. Since birth, he's been such a little fish but lately, nope.
Until tonight.
Tonight Mama used bubbles. Dude made bubble snow men, had a bubble-hawk, and a bubble-stash. It was so nice not to literally have to work up a sweat just to knock the stink of my son.

Have you ever heard of IHeart Organizing?
I just adore this site. Jen has a really amazing eye for design and organization.
I have taken on several of her ideas for home organization but this, by far, is my favorite.
It's the Allen Family Chore List! 
There is a column for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual chores. I love crossing things off a list, so this is just perfect for me. Hubs does his chores in the morning and I do mine in the afternoon. It's super easy and it is happily housed on our fridge, right next to the grocery list.
Jen also has a great Etsy store where you can find all her amazing lists and charts to make your home run smoothly.

Good night, Internet.
I'm off to enjoy an adult beverage and help get Hubs going with his new blog.
Maybe I'll have two adult beverages.
Kidding kidding.

1 comment:

  1. you're killing me with all these great blog recommendations. i just added the organization to my reader. i really need to purge my blog list!!! it's insane!!
